Urbanpromo 21st edition

Florence, November 7th, 2024

UP Urban Planning took part in Urbanpromo again this year, in its 21st edition.

“Urbanpromo – Projects for the Country” proves to be an extremly interesting time to learn about and compare notes, meeting public and private realities working together on urban planning strategies.
Among the themes that I have been most passionate about this year, and that we have been pursuing for years, are the theme of urban resilience as adaptation to climate change, the ‘urban economy by reasoning about how e-commerce, the old model of shopping malls, and the depopulation of city centers may be phenomena one cause/consequence of the other, and how to cope with future housing challenges (student and senior for example).

Particularly relevant to current challenges was the conference “The Logistics System between Land Consumption and Urban Regeneration,” a dialogue between the logistics system and its compatibility with environmental challenges. The conference “Student Housing, from Niche Market to Established Asset Class” was also excellent food for thought as well as a time to update on Student Housing management in major university cities in Italy. Finally, particularly popular was the debate “Revitalizing Cities: Strategies and Tools to Counter Commercial Desertification and Promote the Neighborhood Economy,” in which entities and administrations whose actions and policies are trying to ground innovative strategies to revitalize the local economic fabric were featured.