Bike trail in Russi, Bagnacavallo and Alfonsine “Cycling through history and environment”
Bike trail in Russi, Bagnacavallo and Alfonsine “Cycling through history and environment”

RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME for the Emilia-Romagna Region 2014-2020 – Reg. (EU) of the European Parliament and Council no. 1305/2013.
In implementation of the Emilia-Romagna GAL DELTA 2000 Local Action Plan under Measure 19 of the 2014-2020 RDP of the Emilia-Romagna Region.
Measure 19: Support of LEADER local development.
Specific Action “Investments to organize cycling and intermodal connections (boat+bike+train+bus).”
The project “Cycling between history and environment” involves the definition and implementation of a bicycle route between assets of historical and artistic value and assets of natural landscape value. The route runs along slow streets and bike paths in the municipalities of Russi, Bagnacavallo and Alfonsine in the province of Ravenna. The route is part of the interventions and actions envisaged by the Masterplan of intermodality in the Leader area, sharing its objective of building an integrated system of intermodal mobility spread throughout the territory and connected to the national system starting from the bicycle routes of strategic interest. Precisely in this sense, in addition to the historical cultural and landscape context present and described below, the project intends to address the ordinary cyclist who enjoys cycling in natural and scenic settings with daily routes not exceeding 40-50 km and able to connect with the main cycle routes close to him. The route also intends to connect and systematize a series of project actions and bicycle paths that over time administrations have implemented and/or designed and that, through the definition of this route, acquire a supra-municipal and tourist dimension and potential use.
The route is marked by special signage at points of historical and environmental interest according to the same indications provided by the Masterplan, and is complemented by Augmented Reality fruition points aimed at accompanying the experience of the cyclist to the knowledge and appreciation of the places through the use of APP already available for free on the APP stores. In addition to being interconnected with the railway stations in the three municipalities, the route connects the Lamone River with the Reno River, and from there, following its crossing, the route can connect with the ER19 Cycle Route. Areas and places of historical and natural value found in the three municipal areas are involved along the bicycle route, including SCI/ZPS sites of the Rete Natura 2000 and protected properties.

Year: 2019
Client: Comune di Russi, Bagnacavallo e Alfonsine