GENERAL URBANISM PLAN: drafting of the Diagnostic Knowledge Framework and the ValSAT
GENERAL URBANISM PLAN: drafting of the Diagnostic Knowledge Framework and the ValSAT

The Urban Planning Law of the Emilia Romagna Region No. 24/2017 defines a process that local governments must carry out in order to implement the PUG (General Urban Plan). Consistent with superordinate plans and with strategies aimed at responding to the needs and policies for the transformation, adaptation, enhancement and development of the territory,PUG is based on knowledge of the state of the environment and the territory through the construction of a Diagnostic Knowledge Framework intended as a constituent element of the territorial and urban planning tools aimed at giving an organic representation and evaluation of the territory and the evolutionary processes that characterize it, with particular attention to the effects related to climate change. From the Diagnostic Synthesis elaborated for places and functional systems, the strategic document of the SQUEA (Strategy for Urban and Ecological-Environmental Quality) is defined, and from the regulatory governance and evaluation tools such as the VALSAT hat constitutes the integrated tool in the PUG aimed at the evaluative verification of consistency and sustainability of the policies and strategic actions that the PUG intends to pursue. Implementation of the PUG is defined through Program Agreements that are evaluated on the basis of their ability to pursue and measure the defined objectives. The intervention carried out in ATI with Sis.Ter srl SB (lead partner) and UP Urban Planning srl as support for the drafting of the Diagnostic Knowledge Framework and Environmental and Territorial Sustainability Assessment for the Union of Municipalities Valli Reno, Lavino and Samoggia (Casalecchio di Reno, Monte San Pietro, Sasso Marconi, Valsamoggia and Zola Predosa) fits into this general framework.

Year: 2022 – in corso
Client: Union of Municipalities Valli Reno, Lavino and Samoggia