Rearranging public spaces in Parma
Rearranging public spaces in Parma

The crisis in inner-city commerce, exacerbated in part by the Covid-19 pandemic, has led to the favoring of exemptions in the occupancy of public space for food and beverage serving activities. While the presence of dehors fosters a dynamism of commerce in historic centers, it is also true that their inclusion must be done with respect for the urban landscape and the existing architectural and artistic system, but also in harmony with the functions of residence and other commercial activities as well as in the appropriate forms to ensure accessibility and use by emergency facilities. The project therefore surveyed and analyzed what was present, identifying interferences, characteristics and polarities. A proposal was then developed with an abacus for the various types of dehors according to the area to which they belong so as to have insertion types according to urban characteristics to which the design proposals could be traced. To this end, a modular and scalable proposal of dehors solutions with homogeneous characteristics designed to ensure overall decorum and adaptability of the public space was developed.

Year: 2022 | 2023
Client: Planning and Land Development Sector – Municipality of Parma